Disney - Part 3
Part 3 means it's time for Hollywood Studios! This was the site of my first sketch, of the Tower of Terror. I won't go on the ride, but...

Disney: Part 2
Luckily, we went to Disney during Epcot's Food and Wine festival. Coupled with our park hopper passes that meant we could visit as many...

45th Street
The view down 45th street is one of my favorite midtown Manhattan views. Not only does it almost always mean I'm on my way to...

Disney: Part 1
I recently was able to take a vacation (a real one! One not motivated by having to go to a friend's wedding or with any specific purpose...

How to Avoid a Wedding Registry: Part 3
Now that the happy couple has returned from their honeymoon and opened their gift, I can safely share their painting with you! This is a...