Sketchcation: Disney (The Sequel)
You may remember that last year, my sister and I went on a trip to Disneyworld. We had such a good time, and Hilary used her ticket ninja...

Two Weeks in East Haddam
I spent the last two weeks of August in Connecticut working in East Haddam, painting scenery for Goodspeed Musicals. Aside from getting...

Stony Creek: 2018
For the past few summers, I've been lucky enough to have my friend Anna invite me up to her family's shore house in the Thimble Islands....

Greenpoint in April
Sometimes I wait so long to post things I remember very little about painting them. This? I know it's Greenpoint, and I remember being...

Sketching Between Errands
A sad side effect of being a busy scenic painter who also sells fine art on the side and who ALSO has a business making and selling...

Joey's Painting
Sometimes, I get to paint really fun things for really great people. My friend Joey contacted me about this commission for his wife; they...

Mini Philly Sketch Crawl
Accompanying the previous post, the same weekend I went to Longwood Gardens I also took myself on a little sketchcrawl of Philadelphia....

Grand Central, Bathed in Light
I love this view of Grand Central, as seen from Park Avenue. When you catch it at the right time of day, the iconic New York building is...

Longwood Gardens
A few weeks ago I visited my parents in South Jersey for a weekend, and my Mom, sister and I spent a day at Longwood Gardens. Despite...