Learning About Lighting
Let's talk about lighting! It can tell the viewer time of day, change mood, and it can make or break a painting. To convey realistic...

Greenpoint in April
Sometimes I wait so long to post things I remember very little about painting them. This? I know it's Greenpoint, and I remember being...

I LOVE a good bookstore. New, used, whatever. Any bookstore. I love seeing all the cover designs (I know you aren't supposed to judge a...

Brooklyn Botanical Gardens
When the weather gets cold, NYC Urban Sketchers turns to some familiar, indoor standbys. The Brooklyn Botanic Garden has a gorgeous...

Art as Gifts, or "How to Avoid a Wedding Registry"
Last weekend one of my best friends got married, and true to form, nosy me looked through their wedding registry before completely...

A Wedding at Prospect Park Boathouse
Last month I had the honor of being asked to sketch a wedding at Prospect Park Boathouse! The couple found me on Etsy, and couldn't have...

Corner Markets
When searching for picturesque subjects, you don't have to go further than the corner market. Usually the fronts are lined with bins...

Crow Bar
A couple weekends ago I went to brunch with friends, who were all running late. With twenty minutes to spare I did a quick sketch of the...

Better Late than Never...
Happy Holidays! I've been remiss in posting on account of being incredibly busy, both in fulfilling commissions (mostly holiday orders,...

A Rainy Saturday in Brooklyn
Right now I'm in South Jersey working in Philadelphia, but the last Saturday I was in New York, I met with my urban sketching group at...