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The NYC Urban Sketchers visit Dumbo

That is, in Brooklyn, not the elephant. Brooklyn Bridge Park is one of my favorite places to sketch (here's a previous sketch from last year!), so I was excited the sketchers were meeting there this week. I started the day sketching a dog on the subway, his adorable head was sticking out of a duffle bag. It was an interesting doggie carrier, and sadly I didn't have time to draw much of the bag before his owner moved him.

Once I arrived at the park, I sat down to sketch the lighthouse-turned-ice-cream-shop with the Brooklyn Bridge behind it. I meant for it to be a quick 20 minute sketch, but that quickly turned into an hour.

When that sketch went long, it left me with only 40 minutes before we were to meet for lunch, so I scouted out another spot and did a quick sketch (I stuck to 20 minutes this time!) of Jane's Carousel.

After I ate, I sketched a fellow sketcher, Andrea, who was sitting across from me. She made for a very willing subject, though I don't think I quite captured her vibrancy and spirit!

Since I had another 15 minutes before we were to move on to the last part of our day, I did a super-quick sketch of Brooklyn Bridge.

Last but not least, we went to sketch the famous view from Washington Street! I took some photos and think I want to give this another go. All in all I had a lovely time and was happy with my sketches!




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