Union Square
A recent addition to my weekly (or almost weekly) routine is bringing in my compost (otherwise kept in my freezer) to the compost bins at the Union Square Greenmarket. Although there is a community garden near me that takes compost, the window of time they have open to accept compost is small, and if you bring in your compost they really want you to stay and help with the garden, which I never actually have time to do. There's another market closer to me at Grand Army Plaza that I also sometimes use, but I usually have other errands that make it just as easy to go to Union Square. Wednesday I brought in my compost and decided to couple it with a short sketch trip, since the weather was so gorgeous. I love this view of the buildings on the west side of the square, the heights are so varied that the light plays on them nicely. I've been meaning to sketch them for ages and I have a feeling this isn't the last time.