A Gray Saturday in Washington Square Park
I knew all that beautiful sunshine was too good to last! The NYC Urban Sketchers met in Washington Square Park on Saturday, in weather chillier and grayer than the days preceding it. I did more sketching in usual, in part because I was there *almost* the whole time, and in part because I was having a hard time focusing.
First sketch I decided to do the iconic shot of the arch, looking into the park from the street. Inside the arch you can see the very tip-top of the One World Trade Center.

Next I got on a bit of a musician kick, there were so many good ones to choose from! This first group called "Unintended Consequences" were jazzy and really fun. Every time a group of NYU grads walked by in their gowns they would start playing pomp and circumstance! I got a kick out of their broad repertoire, and the fact that the man in the middle was wearing a propeller hat.

This in Coyote and Crow...I bought their CD! Their tagline is "old time rock and soul," and they have a great blue-grassy feel that I love. Also they're really nice!

Schlepping a piano to Washington Square Park takes commitment. This guy was playing under the arch the entire time I was there! (I edited him out of the other sketches). I did this one right after I took a quick lunch break and it was raining a little....can you tell?

I decided to try my hand at painting bubbles....this first one is of the bubble maven. She was definitely a favorite among the children in the park (not pictured, so you'll have to trust me).

First attempt at a close-up wasn't everything I wanted it to be.

Second attempt went a little better!

Finished the day with a view of the arch from inside the park. I forgot my extra water so the water I had left was VERY gray....luckily that's what the day looked like anyway!